Weighing In on Weigh-Ins... And a Bad-Ass NSV.

I really appreciate everyone's comment. I was so glad to hear I wasn't alone in that awful tragic feeling that comes along. I hate to think that I've been valuing so much of my self-worth on something that fluctuates so arbitrarily, and am trying not to.

I am following people's advice - Robyn suggested tracking my weight everyday using a spreadsheet - if anyone has the Mac software Numbers (our version of excel) there's a built-in weight loss template, who knew!

Amy W's also given me great advice, specifically HAVING A WEIGH-IN DAY. Come on. I know I need to do this. I know it makes sense, I know it'll make me focus more on the big picture... But I so like just lowering my ticker every time it happens. But then I get too caught up in the fluctuations... So I'm making it official. My Monday weight counts. I was all "but that's right after the weekend!" to which she replied "duh pookie, it keeps us accountable." uh. oh.

This week has gone well. Back to exercise, went on my own for the first time in forever last night. I love my classes and personal training sessions so much I don't often have the need or the time to do a solo workout, and they're also never as good or long... But it felt really good to know I was there 100% on my own motivation.

OOh and finally to my Bad-ASS NSV!

So last night at the gym I was doing this excercise my trainer Julie has me do - first you do one push-up (full push-ups here, Julie doesn't believe in "ladies pushups.") Anyways, first 1 push-up, then you do one press - I did these with 12.5lb weights. Then two-push ups, two presses, etc. Normally she has me go all the way to eight... It gets REALLY hard. Well not only was I able to push myself to 10 of each, but Ernie, who is the lead trainer at our gym and for the elite ski kids in town yelled accross the gym "Bad-ass pushups Ange! Boys, you could learn something from this girl!"

I just about DIED I was so happy! I remember my first PT session, only about two months ago when Julie had me do five push-ups I really thought my arms would collapse. Two months later, they're admirable push-ups. And even more - I felt it while I was doing them. I could feel that they were good.

Off to the gym again - lots of love! xox


Amy W. said...

hahaha! You go! Soon we will all be buying tickets to your gunshow! I am glad you picked an official weigh in day. Of course, I still weight in every day but it only counts on Monday :)

love ya!

Yana said...

That's awesome! about 8 years ago - wow, that's a long time! - I was lo carbing and training and got the point where I could do real pushups and I felt so f'ing bad ass!!! Looking forward to that feeling again!

The Best Me said...

I found this site on someone else's blog and I can't remember who or I would give them credit...but I have been recording my weight weekly on www.weightchart.com. I really love it because it is FREE, they send you an e-mail reminding you to record your weight...they show your change in BMI, they graph everything for you and you can upload a picture of yourself everytime you weigh in to get a visual effect. Anyway just a suggestion of something I really like.

THE DASH! said...

Should we start to call you 'The Terminator?' Unreal NSV - fantastic feeling when you can feel yourself becoming stronger - even better when someone else notices! You go, girl!!!

Liz - Lizzle - Libby Lou said...

Good job woman! Always nice to have men admiring something a woman is doing BETTER than them!!!

This is me now... at 160!

This is me now... at 160!
with my bestest friend!

Mini-Goals and Statistics

A Quick Reference - 111lbs down
Height: 5'8
Highest Weight; January 2009: 270
Surgery Weigh; March 4th: 255
Tummy Tuck December 15, 2010!
Current Weight: 150s
Current BMI: healthy!

Mini Goal 1: 240 - re-reached April 29th - 15lbs/9 weeks.
Mini Goal 2: 230 - reached June 12th. - 10lbs/6 weeks.
Mini Goal 3: 220 - reached July 18th. - 10lbs/5 weeks.
Mini Goal 4: 210 - reached September 2nd. 10lbs/7 weeks.
Mini Goal 5: 199 - reached October 19, 10lbs/11 weeks
Mini Goal 6: 189 - reached December 18, 10lbs/9 weeks
Mini Goal 7: 179 - reached February 23, 10lbs/9.5weeks
Mini Goal 8: 169 - reached March 26, 10lbs/4.5weeks
100 lbs down!!

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