my upDATE...

Ok, so I've decided to just keep my dating deets private for now - not cause of dear anonymous' comment at all, but mostly because I just don't know who'll see this blog, with all my followers and friends, but anyone who wants to know - send me an e-mail and I'll gladly dish! xox


Anonymous said...

My unsolicited opinion, you are so young...u may go through this kind of 'event' a few times. Hang in there. I'm only speaking from personal experience. I think you rock!

Liz - Lizzle - Libby Lou said...

I get it. You don't some of us from a stranger on the street, I agree w/ ya.

This is me now... at 160!

This is me now... at 160!
with my bestest friend!

Mini-Goals and Statistics

A Quick Reference - 111lbs down
Height: 5'8
Highest Weight; January 2009: 270
Surgery Weigh; March 4th: 255
Tummy Tuck December 15, 2010!
Current Weight: 150s
Current BMI: healthy!

Mini Goal 1: 240 - re-reached April 29th - 15lbs/9 weeks.
Mini Goal 2: 230 - reached June 12th. - 10lbs/6 weeks.
Mini Goal 3: 220 - reached July 18th. - 10lbs/5 weeks.
Mini Goal 4: 210 - reached September 2nd. 10lbs/7 weeks.
Mini Goal 5: 199 - reached October 19, 10lbs/11 weeks
Mini Goal 6: 189 - reached December 18, 10lbs/9 weeks
Mini Goal 7: 179 - reached February 23, 10lbs/9.5weeks
Mini Goal 8: 169 - reached March 26, 10lbs/4.5weeks
100 lbs down!!

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