Angie's thoughts on boys... The Shoe Analogy.

Hi everybody! Florida is great, and I just had the most intense workout ever of all time ever, but I'll save that for another blog entry. This one is about boys. I was talking to Bridget (aka SkinnyBiddy) today about guys... I think that at least for myself, I have had to get over the mind-set as a fat girl that I should go for or accept the advances of any guy who shows interest in me... because who knows when the next one will come along. It's not a good mindset to be in, and it's put me at a place with guys which is... Kinda not the best. But I know that the mind needs to change, and I also know, because of what our society values, as we all shrink there will be more interest and attention lavished upon us. Which is great. But that makes keeping it all in mind even more important. Here's what I said to Bridg...

Angie *This is not my kind of danger, Taking candy from a stranger...* says: (6:32:59 PM)
boys are like shoes.
you have to try them on before you buy.
you can try to buy them online, but you really never know if they truly fit right before you have the chance to wear em in person.
you'll try on so many pairs of shoes in your life, but buy only a fraction of what you try on.
there will be shoes that fit, and look great, but just don't feel right.
just because a shoe fits doesn't mean it fits in your life, and just because a boy might show interest in you, doesn't mean you don't have the right to reserve judgment.

I can't take full credit for the shoe theory, my therapist kinda said it to me... But I think it's an important reminder for anyone like me through this journey.



Unknown said...

I know thats something I'll be reading over and over again to myself...,
Thanks honey I owe you!

Amy W. said...

hahahahah....i just love your last paragraph about your therapist. So very Sex and the City. made me smile :) My personal philosophy is "You cant change a man...but you can undress him."

This is me now... at 160!

This is me now... at 160!
with my bestest friend!

Mini-Goals and Statistics

A Quick Reference - 111lbs down
Height: 5'8
Highest Weight; January 2009: 270
Surgery Weigh; March 4th: 255
Tummy Tuck December 15, 2010!
Current Weight: 150s
Current BMI: healthy!

Mini Goal 1: 240 - re-reached April 29th - 15lbs/9 weeks.
Mini Goal 2: 230 - reached June 12th. - 10lbs/6 weeks.
Mini Goal 3: 220 - reached July 18th. - 10lbs/5 weeks.
Mini Goal 4: 210 - reached September 2nd. 10lbs/7 weeks.
Mini Goal 5: 199 - reached October 19, 10lbs/11 weeks
Mini Goal 6: 189 - reached December 18, 10lbs/9 weeks
Mini Goal 7: 179 - reached February 23, 10lbs/9.5weeks
Mini Goal 8: 169 - reached March 26, 10lbs/4.5weeks
100 lbs down!!

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