New Glasses

Okay these are not f'reals, but I think they're amazing. I want to wear them to class. Best 2.99 I have ever spent - thanks Forever 21!


Kristen said...

You are such a DORK! Please wear them for your first day of classes! Love Ya!

Roo said...

So Geekie, but so cool...they suit you LOL :)

Nicole said...


jennyr1222 said...

There is a very hott for teacher thing you've got going her with the hair and the glasses. Definitely dorkiness!! xoxo

Amy W. said...

hahaha, you could be naughty nerd in those when you role play :)

THE DASH! said...

Cute!!! You look like you're Miss Serious about your studies.

This is me now... at 160!

This is me now... at 160!
with my bestest friend!

Mini-Goals and Statistics

A Quick Reference - 111lbs down
Height: 5'8
Highest Weight; January 2009: 270
Surgery Weigh; March 4th: 255
Tummy Tuck December 15, 2010!
Current Weight: 150s
Current BMI: healthy!

Mini Goal 1: 240 - re-reached April 29th - 15lbs/9 weeks.
Mini Goal 2: 230 - reached June 12th. - 10lbs/6 weeks.
Mini Goal 3: 220 - reached July 18th. - 10lbs/5 weeks.
Mini Goal 4: 210 - reached September 2nd. 10lbs/7 weeks.
Mini Goal 5: 199 - reached October 19, 10lbs/11 weeks
Mini Goal 6: 189 - reached December 18, 10lbs/9 weeks
Mini Goal 7: 179 - reached February 23, 10lbs/9.5weeks
Mini Goal 8: 169 - reached March 26, 10lbs/4.5weeks
100 lbs down!!

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